scam review

Lazada Philippines
Another Multi Level Marketing program is airing the social media.

this was the ivictoria marketing, also known as, conceptualized by a certain Ms. Rosalyn Trasporto in April 15, 2015 and became live on May 15, 2015.
the network offer a small amount of investment, that only worth 200.00 Pesos, that has the ability to earn 40,000.00 Pesos or even 1,700,000.00 Pesos.

since, it is cheap and affordable, anyone can join them and earn the promise amount that depends on your ability to refer someone into the network.

so what is their business all about?
the business is involve in electronic products, and the are offering the E4 Business Kit, that was the following: 
e-address( or the website account)
e-book( we all know this)
e-Load (yes, this is your smart, globe, sun load, or gaming load through loadcentral)
e-business( unknown)

How to earn?
now we know their products, the question is how can you even earn million from their marketing plan.
the business model is very simple, you invest 200.00 pesos, then start to recruit, for each recruit under you, you will earn a direct 20.00 Pesos for every referral, the earnings is up to the tenth level, meaning if your down line recruited you will also earn from them indirectly, of up to 10 levels from you.

which mean that the 200.00 pesos is payment for your upper line to start your own loading business, the problem here is that if you could not recruit, you will waste your 200.00 pesos in an instant.

obviously this is just another network pyramiding, the catch is that the amount you will have to invest is too small for you to cry, but remember, the target market of this business are those who are in the poorest of the poor sector, who barely earn a decent amount of money, maybe if it was me, or some of you, this was just nothing but for the poorest people, it meant a lot.

just like the costly networking business, the losing side here are those who are in the bottom line, or the down line who could not invite other people, with regards to the loading business, if all of us are retailer of a load, why would I even buy on any of you, I do have mine! 

the business pricing is too attractive for us to realized that this is just another scam, the only thing is that the business model does not promote an unlimited income in the higher ranks, which limits your earning up to the 10th level, but your recruitment power never stop, as long as you recruit you will directly earn 20.00 pesos or a cornetto!
the winner here is the owner of the loading system which is the, if everyone are retailer then the retailer of load central increases and their income increases.

The verdict
the company follows the same networking scheme made by other MLM, and the whole model is recruiting other people to earn, technically already a pyramiding scam, for every recruit gives you an earning, which really tell us that is just a small time SCAM network.

we recommend to be observant and realized how a Multi Level Marketing really works, that should not be a recruitment base, but rather a sales distribution base. you may get an extra perks for inviting people but should not solely earn thru recruitment.
this is another SCAM network that aims to take over your cash,

Big or small, scam is a scam, when we combine the small amount, this could accumulate into millions just like how they said you can earn that amount.
Lazada Philippines
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  1. ..Alam na pala nyo na scam ang magbusinesstayo eh bakit hindi nyo pa ideretso sa NBI o kung ano mang sangay ng gobyerno na pwede magpatigil sa negosyo nila at ng hindi na makapang biktima pa. August 2015 na ngayon eh May 2015 pa pala yan nag start. puro kayo balita sa net ng mga scam na business hindi nyo naman ipahuli agad.


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